It starts with a dream.It was only a few months ago. Newfound seams of Opal Imaginarium turned the Gobi desert into a high-speed gutterscape as markets modernized to move the magic. The overhaul was immense, sand-scale crab-hoppers cleaving ground vaginas for new pumps- hot dunes trafficked with tubes, miles of concrete floating this generations gold rush downstream (requiring an extensively policed tracking and pickup system similar to airport luggage) as more and more kept getting discovered. We moved out there after our crypto venture went bust, but everyone and their shithead cousin is an Opal trader now. Fictitious buyers are plugging the wound, but a flooded market demands innovation. At Opals Incorporated we have a twist: luring in the purchase-punters with our neo-cheechandchong antics, and diversifying our portfolio into improvised noise psycadelia. As a potential investor, we guarentee a competitive return-on-investment and a slice of that Big Opal Pie. As a potential buyer, we guarentee N1-N4 non-muled opals and an upcoming album "Open The Gates: Trading Out The Mouth Of The Dunes".

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